Gosh, I could really learn to like this city. So pleasant (in the summer, maybe not January), so easy to walk in, a library with books on law in it that's filled with people interested in private and public international law. Yeah. Happy gal here.
I walked over to the Peace Palace, perhaps not via the most efficient route, took me about an hour. I'm recovering from some surgery, so there is hope by the end of July that the 3-4 km will take me my more usual 40 minutes.
I also went to the library to read some of the required assignments--on state secession today, other topics later. Friendly and nice staff with pretty views out the windows. Sigh.
You aren't supposed to take pictures once on the grounds or in the buildings. So, none from that perspective. But, goodness, what beautiful grounds. My classmates and I are going to be in an inspiring place. The photos are of two repeating plaques, one has the scales of justice and the other, less clear, seems to be of a knot that's cut. I'm guessing it is the Gordian Knot of war that law might cut. A picture of the Peace Palace (I can't seem to get a second one to load). The one with the tree-lined path is part of my route home--right after leaving the Palace.
Beautiful scenery, big libraries, "peace" in the place's title... sounds like my kind of vacation. I'm glad you're having a great time, but I hope you're not pushing yourself too hard during recovery from surgery! :)
Me, overdue it? Nah. I'm a very lazy person. But when I get into a 'walking' (or biking) city, I just love to wander.
I mean, over do. Though I am often also overdue.
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