Saturday, February 2, 2008

Visit with University Rector

Last Wednesday, I had a lovely visit with the University of Malta's energetic Rector (equivalent to a university president, but with strong components of an American chief academic officer, too). He is Dr. Juanito Camilleri, an engineer with extensive experience in business and at the University. Part of the visit entailed my giving him a gift from my university president, Dr. Glenn Mroz on behalf of Michigan Tech. And, Dr. Camilleri gave me a gift on behalf of the University of Malta to give to my president. I sincerely hope our two universities will come to have many more exchanges of people and ideas in the years to come.

Tech sent a polished piece of local copper. The Rector says theirs is also based on a mineral. What's in the box?..we'll all have to wait until I get home.

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